以“Enjoy the life, start to live”为品牌哲学的DavidWine,即将迎来十周年庆典。这个从种植酿造,到设计推广为一体的西班牙百年时尚葡萄酒品牌,于2021年迎来了其中国全资子公司十周年庆,特邀请了蜚声国际的西班牙艺术家Nicolás De Maya,电影导演Miguel Perello参加此次庆典。本次庆典将于2021年6月18日,在世界知名传奇建筑师(人称“建筑女魔头”)扎哈·哈迪的杰作、中国最具影响力的场馆之一的广州大剧院举办,DavidWine中国将会把这个有1200平方米场地,只有300份邀请函的盛会,转播到超过50万观众的观看平台上,通过品牌情绪、感官体验及艺术历史沉淀,来打造其历史里程式的品牌十周年庆典。
The 103 years’sophisticated Spanish wine brand -- DavidWineis anticipating for its 10thanniversary of the China branch company. Famous SpanishartistNicolás De Maya, movie director Miguel Perello will in charge of the historical 10thanniversary by transfer of BrandEmotion, Atmosphere enjoyment, art, six sense experience to the distinguished guest, in one of the most influential venue, master piece of legendary architecture-- ZahaHadid; To mark another historical record,DavidWinewilllive broadcasting this 1200sqm cerebration with only 300 guest to more thanhalf million audience online.
DavidWine中国全资子公司(下称“DavidWine中国”)十周年庆典将以“媒体游览—— VIP庆典—— After Chillout Party”的形式进行,本次庆典和来自全国的DavidWine中国VIP贵宾们将共建一个将会被载入记录的“2021年标志性庆典”、并体验到极具风格的品牌感受。DavidWine中国同时也希望把这次庆典,看作是对于“品牌定位”的重新定义;
The 10thanniversary ofDavidWineChina designed a route of“media tour—— VIPceremony—— After Chillout Party,to co-create a “iconic ceremony of 2021”, one of the most stylish brand experience, with the VIPguest from all over China; It’s rather accurately describe, the celebration of the 10thanniversary ofDavidWine Chinawill redefine the concept of “brand positioning”.
自品牌建立以来,DavidWine不断地从神经营销学 ( Neuromarketing )角度,通过品牌设计、产品特色和极具风格的市场营销、跨界合作等活动,360度全方位打造品牌;从2015年始,在市场上还没有存在“精品酒”概念、也没有专业的葡萄酒营销策略案例、葡萄酒还没做为日常饮用酒的时候,DavidWine就坚持与世界网球公开赛、时装周、国际电影节等国际性重大活动展开跨界品牌共创合作,打造品牌力,坚持如一地打造自己的品牌定位;在2018年,入榜“奢侈品在中国”,与一众顶级奢侈品牌,如香奈儿、波尔舍、普拉达等顶级蓝血奢侈品牌共同位列榜单TOP 20; 并受到全球极具权威的商业出版社企鹅兰登书屋的青睐,于2019年发行了DavidWine中国的商业故事< El Murciano que desafio al dragon China>,并蝉联亚马逊欧洲销量前十。
Ever since the brand launch,DavidWineconstantly insistNeuromarketing, by the brand design, product feature, stylish marketing and co- branding events, to have the brand building 360 degree covered and cultivated. Since 2015, even there are no any boutique wine concept in the market, nor any professional classy marketing in wine industry, daily wine drinking habit wasn’t really started,DavidWinetook the first place to cooperate with ATP, Fashion week and International Film Festival etc to lay a solid root for it’s brand position. By 2018, DavidWine ranks the top 20 with the most blue-blood luxury brands like Chanel, Porsche, Prada etc in the brand power list of “ LUXURY IN CHINA“;the greatness ofDavidWineChina draw the attention of Penguin Random House, the most professional publisher in the world; by 2019 the business story ofDavidWineChina< ElMurciano que desafio al dragon China>publishedand offer great enlightment to the westerner who intend to explore China market.
遥想2011年盛夏里的一天里,DavidWine品牌创始人David Hernandez Zapata先生(下称“David先生”)带着由他有着百年家族种植酿造历史的葡萄酒,通过他精心培育的品牌——DavidWine来到中国,这个既古老神秘、又现代开放的东方大国;历经十年的时光,付出了十年的努力、专注和决心,热忱和布局,以及完全的投入,成为最好的葡萄酒品牌之一;
Throw back to a summer day of 2011, Mr. David Hernandez Zapata, the founder of DavidWine, set his first footprint in China, in this remote, ancient, mysterious yet modern and rapid developing country, carrying with him a hundred- year- old family winery's best product, and his innovated brand concept DavidWine.10 years of effort, determination,enthusiasm and strategy, our total respect to be one of the best。